Friday, June 27, 2014

Strange Dreams...

So I've been having some weird dreams lately. And I usually don't remember my dreams, so the fact that I've been dreaming very vividly is kind of unsettling. Anyway, below are a couple dreams I've had in the past week that I felt the need to write down and remember. The following is from my journal:

June 19, 2014: Last night I had a dream about a rattlesnake trying to kill these trapped kittens. They were in some sort of hole, something I could only reach my hand/arm into. I was trying to save the kittens but no one with me (there were a few people with me) wanted to help me. I think I eventually got the kittens away from the snake but not before they got bit. I didn't know what I was going to do with them. For some reason, the fact that they were bit by a rattlesnake was not an urgent matter. I considered raising them myself.

June 27, 2014: Last night I had a dream. I was parking my car in a dark, dirt parking lot behind a building. My friend and I got out of the car We were going to enter the building through the back door. My friend wanted to make sure I locked the car because we were in a bad part of town. I assured her I was doing just that, but immediately in that moment I knew someone was going to try and break into the car. And suddenly he came out of the shadows, an older African American man, wearing baggy, ragged clothing, clearly homeless. He wielded a sharp object, but was slow moving so I was able to dodge away from him easily. I kept trying to scream at him. I wanted to say "Stop! No!" All I could manage to get out were guttural sounds. I couldn't figure out why I suddenly lost the ability to speak. Finally, I managed a "no" that sounded like it came from a dumb, mute person. The next thing I know, I'm awake and Tyler is telling me everything is ok. He's shushing me and stroking my hair. I realize that I couldn't talk in my dream because I was dreaming and the "no" that I finally managed was said out loud, in my sleep. And I totally scared Tyler. He thought I was having a nightmare so he was trying to calm me down. I laughed because I thought it was funny because the reason I could talk was because I was dreaming. I tried to explain the dream to Tyler but he shushed me again, stroked my hair some more, and held me closer. I'm happy the dream wasn't worse and I am damn sure glad that Tyler was there, holding me, when I woke up. Needless to say, nothing like this has ever happened to me before and it was quite bizarre but definitely awesome.

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